<Brandon Zavala>
Software Engineer. Tech Enthusiast. Avid Learner.
About Me
Hey, My name is Brandon Zavala!
Challenging, exciting and unorthodox are a few words to describe my journey into software engineering. With a long history in retail management, I have spent the past 15 years learning and developing who I am as a person and skills you can't get anywhere else. With some unexpected twists and turns, I fell into a place that lead me to realize where my true passion in life was. Software Engineering. As cliche as that sounds in this day in age, working with code, the satisfaction of problem solving reasons why code doesn't compile, and the never ending learning that comes with the field are just a few of the reasons that make me love the field that much more. It's a challenging, stimulatulating and altogether invigorating to see the project you've been working on come together. I may have started a bit later in life, but what I have learned the past few years alone, I know I have made the right choice.
As I wrap up, my senior year at Cal State Fullerton, I'm excited for the opportunities that are coming my way. Opportunities that will continue to elevate my craft, learn from those around me, and challenge me in ways that will allow me to pull all my skills, past and present together. I'm excited to keep going on this path that I am on, and I excited to meet and network with those around me.
Please feel free to navigate through my portfolio and learn a bit more about me and my journey. Reach Out! I will would love to connect!
Technical Skills
Below are just a few my skills and preferred technologies. Check out my project for more indepth information on what I've worked with!
Full-stack application created in a group of 3 for a class at CSUF to demonstrate skills in SQL and relational databases. Application is a ride rental application with the ability to search available vehicles, update and book rentals from a user and employee dashboard.
- MySql
- Bootstrap
Comics R Us
Capstone project made in a group of four through Tech Elevator Bootcamp. Comic R' Us allows user to search database from Marvel API and create and save personalized collections to a database. Demonstrated everything I learned throughout the program. Primarily worked on back-end functionality.
- Java | SpringBoot
- Postgresql | PgAdmin
- VueJs | Javascript
- Bootstrap
Final project made in a group of six for a software engineering class at CSUF. TradingBot extracts data from YahooFinance API and calculates simulated trading algorithms and depicts live selling trends for FNGD/FNGU Companies. Primarily worked on Front-end functionality.
- Javascript | NodeJS
- Bootstrap
- Agile | SDLC Methodologies
For More Project See Below:
Stay In Touch
Feel free to reach out to me on social media or via email!